Friday 4 October 2013

Global Tae Kwon Do Federation (GTF)

As explained in the previous post that there are many organizations in Tae Kwon Do. But there are three in major in the world, which  are ITF (International Tae Kwon Do Federation), founded by General Choi himself, GTF (Global Tae Kwon Do Federation) founded by Grandmaster Park Jung Tae and lastly is WTF (World Tae Kwon Do Federation).

As you all know, each different organization practices different rules and techniques, for example the scoring system in the free sparring event in a Tae Kwon Do tournament varies from different organization. Take GTF for example, a hit on the head of the opponents will score 2 points while in other organizations score 3 points and a hit on the torso will score 1 point in GTF while others 2 points.

The WTF practices Taeguek and Palgwe Poomsae and promotes almost exclusively the sport aspect of Taekwon-Do known as the Olympic style. The GTF and the ITF are more closely related. They promote and maintain the integrity of Taekwon-Do as a traditional martial art while at the same time incorporate the sport aspect through competition. So, the question really becomes, what is the difference between the GTF and the ITF.

It is important to understand that prior to the existence of the GTF, the Founder of the GTF, Grand Master Park Jung Tae, was for several decades the Technical Chairman and Secretary-General of ITF. Also, he was the person responsible teaching all the international instructor throughout the world and standardizing techniques and teaching methods.

The contributions of Grand Master Park to the development and promotion of Taekwon-Do worldwide are unparalled.

The Global Taekwon-Do Federation is unique from a purely technical stand point. Although GTF techniques include all the traditional patterns and fundamental movements of the Chang Hun system practiced by the ITF, the founder of the GTF, Grand Master Park Jung Tae, continued to improve and develop an even more scientific approach to the execution and delivery of the fundamental movements of Taekwon-Do. The improvements were designed to promote superior health and fitness by focusing on more circular fluid motions in conjunction with proper knee spring and breath control. 
The ITF method taught today by ITF Instructors is more rigid and focuses on each individual movement as an entity in itself while the GTF method taught today by GTF Instructors is more fluid and circular with an emphasis on the end of one movement becoming the beginning of the next movement to create a rhythmic flow of techniques.   
Furthermore, the founder of the GTF, Grand Master Park Jung Tae, developed six additional Hyungs to be practiced by GTF members in addition to the traditional twenty-four. Also, he created nine Shabang, Makgo, Jirugi exercises and other unique training methods that support the development of fundamental skills.  

The Global Taekwon-Do Federation, a non-profit, non-political organization is committed to promoting the unique style of Taekwon-Do developed by this legendary Grand Master and to maintain his vision and legacy.

Although not readily apparent to the untrained eye, the techniques and methods of execution promoted by Grand Master Park Jung Tae are substantially different enough from the ITF method to ratify that the GTF constitutes a distinct style of Taekwon-Do.


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